Felix Omoruyi, a Nigerian (Edo) Gospel
musical artist better known as
Amazzingrace, has unleashed his latest
new stunning gospel hit sound named
“Ekponmwen (Thanks Giving).”
According to him, almost these
languages Edo, Ashanti, l’ngala, English,
Italian, Spanish, French, Indian,
Portuguese and more, are ones in which I
am fluent in singing. Before God saved
me and directed me to Jesus, I was
headed straight for the grave. I made a
commitment to spend my entire life
singing songs of thanksgiving and praise
to God.
And also, he has once proven, that God
gave him the song “Ekponmwen” during
the pandemic when he was alone, and it
has given blessing to many households
throughout the world.
To invent some distinctive points, the
new gratifying smash released song is
the kind that makes you feel pleased
rather than sad, and also an enduring and
seductive classic that merits a place on
your playlist.
Listen and share your comment below!