The leading financial institution Guarantee Trust
Bank PLC (GTBANK) recently introduced a health
scheme called Beta Health aiming to provide
direct access to health insurance at a rate of only
N500 a month. Designed in collaboration with
leading insurance firms across the country.
Beta Health provides instant access to health
insurance which is affordable for every Nigerian,
especially low-income earners. Beta Health offers
coverage for basic and critical health facilities,
such as general consultations, malaria treatment,
antenatal care, among others, with a subscription
of just N500 a month.
What does this mean?
With the new Beta Health scheme, you will be
able to walk into over 1,000 hospitals nationwide
and get attended to for basic and essential
health services such as general consultations,
treatment for malaria, Ante-natal care, etc., at no
out-of-pocket cost. However, all the recognized
hospitals in Nigeria are included in the list of
partnered hospitals across the country but to be
sure of the hospitals involved, you can see the
full list
Benefits of Beta Health Insurance
With, GTbank Beta Health in partnership with
other Insurance firms is taking on one of the
biggest challenges in Nigeria, which is the high
cost of and limited access to health insurance.
For just N500 monthly, Beta Health offers you:
1. Full access to more than 1000
hospitals across Nigeria (see
full list
here )
2. Comprehensive antenatal care
for pregnant women at any
Beta Health registered medical
3. 4 hospital care/treatment and
consultations for malaria and
other infections
4. Immunization for children
under 5 - Measles, BCG, Polio
& Hepatitis
5. Health cover for accidents &
other medical emergencies
6. Life insurance coverage,
payable to the customer’s
family upon permanent
disability or death.
How To Open A Beta Health
Existing Customers:
Existing GTBank customers can get a Beta
Health account immediately by simply dialing
*737*52*500*50#. No paperwork required!
New Customers:
Not yet a customer? Dial *737*0# to open a
GTBank account instantly or download GTWorld
on App Store or Play Store.
To apply now simply Download Beta Health form
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