Angel, a Big Brother Naija Shine Ya
Eye housemate, has complained that
Pere talks to the housemates like they
are his kids.
She said this on Saturday as she
discussed Pere’s leadership pattern
since the latter became the Head of
In the conversation with Arin, Angel
said that Pere does not talk to the
housemates like they are adults.
“Everytime he addresses us, he talks
to us like we’re his kids,” Angel said.
She also said that it was “lame” of
Pere to think Whitemoney’s cooking
was a strategy.
Angel said, “That was so lame of him
to even announce that, ‘some people
are using strategies, bla bla bla’. You
too find your own strategy and use it
if it’ll work for you. I think people
have forgotten that we’re in a game.”
“I think they’ve even forgotten that
outside the house is the main thing,”
Arin said.
In agreement, Angel said, “If you do
anyhow, you’ll see anyhow. You just
have to be careful.”
Arin continued, “If they had asked me
to predict everything that Pere would
do as an HoH, I would have easily
predicted it. From the first day he said
we should not disrespect him.”
“Even when Big Brother asked me, I
genuinely thought that he seemed like
somebody who would have good
leadership skills but I also said I don’t
see him as a genuine person. So none
of this that he’s doing is surprising. It
will be Monday soon, it’s okay for
him,” Angel said.