Gists By Annie Idibia Sparks Divorce
Rumors After Calling Out The
Idibia Family
In case you hadn’t noticed, Annie Idibia and
the entire Idibia clan are trading insults on
social media.
Yesterday, Annie Idibia hopped on IG to drag
her husband, 2baba over one of his baby
mamas. She called him out over his loyalty to
his baby mamas and how they always use
their children as excuses to be close to him
see post here )
Social media users were still digesting that
information, when the 2baba family decided
to drag Annie. They accused her of using Juju
on their brother and recounted how she
almost destroyed their family.
This morning, Annie removed her husband’s
name ‘Idibia’ from her IG bio. She added
2baba’s name to her surname after the couple
married in May 2012.
Whilst many have interpreted her latest move
as a sign of divorce, others are hoping she’s
just venting out her anger and has no
intention of ending her marriage with 2baba.
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