Gists By Get Your, Damn PVc, I Spent Two, Hours in a,
Police Station, M.I Abaga
Ace rapper, M.I Abaga has taken to social media
lamenting about the state of the Nigerian Police
In a post on his IG story, M.I revealed that he
spent two hours in a police station yesterday.
Though he didn’t disclose what his offense was,
M.I is lamenting about the rickety state of the
police station.
According to him, the building isn’t the only
thing in ruins, but the working and mental
condition of the policemen.
M.I Abaga urged Nigerians to get their
Permanent Voters Cards in preparation for 2023
elections. He implied that the government isn’t
doing much for the country or its citizens.
He further added that Nigeria needs to be fixed
and the citizens are the ones to do it with their
votes in 2023.
“Get Your Damn PVC… I Spent Two Hours in a
Police Station” – M.I Abaga » Hottest
Gists’s »
@Get Your, Damn PVc, I Spent Two, Hours in a,
Police Station, M.I Abaga @ @
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