Gists By Duration, of NYSC,
Relocation, How long it
takes to get, approval
In this article we shall look at the
National Youth Service Corps, NYSC
Relocation Duration – how long it
takes NYSC to approve your
The time it takes the NYSC
management to approve or reject
relocation application depends on the
reasons by which the application is
Most people think it usually take long
time before the NYSC management
will act on the application. But that
assertion is completely wrong, in this
article I will explain the duration of
NYSC relocation application.
Duration of NYSC
Relocation Applications
After submitting NYSC relocation
application, the NYSC officials will
begin to process your request
immediately. NYSC will check the
documents submitted to them to
decide how urgent it will take. The
duration of NYSC relocation is usually
two weeks depending on the reasons
of applications.
How long does nysc
relocation takes?
The normal duration is 14 days
depending on the ground you submit
the application. Below is the duration
of NYSC relocation on 3 different
1. Duration of NYSC Relocation on
Health ground
See more posts on Nyscinfo .
If the reason for relocation is on
health ground, the normal duration is
two weeks. But if the illness is
serious, NYSC will relocate you
immediately. So, it means your
relocation application can be
approved within two days.
2. Duration on Marital ground
If the reason for relocation application
is on marital ground, and you are a
nursing mother or a pregnant woman,
you may get an instant relocation
So, those who apply in camp will get
approval after orientation camp. But
if you apply after camp, you relocation
duration is two weeks.
NYSC Relocation on Other
If you relocation is on other reasons,
I’m sorry because you are very much
likely not to be granted relocation.
The duration of NYSC relocation is
usually two weeks, and the NYSC
management would not want to keep
you for long for no reason.
Note: If you apply on Health or
marital grounds with fake documents,
NYSC will not approve your
relocation. They will keep ‘pending’
your application until you forget that
you have applied.
Duration of NYSC
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