Grammy Award - winning singer , Justin Bieber has spoken about
his struggles with drug addiction and how he was able to
overcome it .
Bieber ’ s first single, “ One Time, ” went platinum in 2009 when he
was just just 15 turning him into a global Superstar but he made
headlines for breaking the law so many times during his young
career .
In November 2018 , Bieber announced that he had married Hailey
Baldwin . Then , in March 2019 , he said he was taking time away
from music to focus on his mental health .
In a new interview with GQ magazine , Bieber, 27 , revealed the
extent of his drug problem and spoke about the development of
his relationship with wife Hailey Baldwin and his journey into
Christianity .
Bieber revealed that his serious drug habit was so bad to the point
that security guards would come into his room at night and check
his pulse to make sure he was still alive.
Justin Bieber says his drug problem was so bad that bodyguards
would check his pulse as he slept
“ I have a wife who I adore , who I feel comforted by. I feel safe . I
feel like my relationship with God is wonderful . And I have this
outpouring of love that I want to be able to share with people , you
know?” Bieber told journalist Zach Baron .
“ It was like I had all this success and it was still like: I’ m still sad,
and I ’ m still in pain . And I still have these unresolved issues. And I
thought all the success was going to make everything good . And
so for me , the drugs were a numbing agent to just continue to get
through , ” he said.
He also talked about his 2020 revelation that he was suffering
with Lyme disease .
“ To be honest , I am a lot healthier , and I did have a lot of things
going on . I did have mono , and I do have Lyme disease , ” Bieber
said .
“ But I was also navigating a lot of emotional terrain , which had a
lot to do with it . And we like to blame a lot of things on other
things . Sometimes… It’ s a lot of times just your own stuff. ”
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Bieber said his marriage has become a major positive force after a
difficult start .
“ The first year of marriage was really tough , ” he said, “ because
there was a lot , going back to the trauma stuff. ”
But now , he said, “ we’ re just creating these moments for us as a
couple , as a family , that we’ re building these memories. And it ’ s
beautiful that we have that to look forward to . ”
Bieber says his faith is another reason why he seems to be in a
better place these days.
God “ is grace , ” he said. “ Every time we mess up , He ’ s picking us
back up every single time . That ’ s how I view it . And so it ’ s like, ‘ I
made a mistake . I won ’ t dwell in it . I don ’ t sit in shame . But it
actually makes me want to do better . ’ ”
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