A viral video has been circulating the social
media platform all day. it’s an unfortunate
scenario as a university student in the bid
to impress a lady has gotten himself into a
huge debt .
As the student was desperately in pursuit
to flex and impress a lady, took some bold
move to hire a brand new G-Wagon to
impress and flex the lucky lady.
Unfortunately for the guy, in the process of
picking up the lady, he had a fatal accident,
in essence, he crashed the brand new G-
Wagon. The student veered off the road
into a nearby bush.
Well, as God will have it, the dude didn’t get
hurt, he was hale and hearty but the G-
Wagon was badly damaged.
in the video, a towing vehicle is on its way
to lift the expensive car for further repair.
The painful part was, the dude did not get
to impress the girl before the vehicle
rammed into a nearby bush.
MAN crashed brand new G-Wagon he rented to impress a girl (Video) » Hottest
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