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Druzenko set up the first First Voluntary Mobile
Hospital which sends out civilian doctors and nurses in
the conflict zone close to the separatist republics in
eastern Ukraine.
He also told famous Russian TV host Yevgeny
Kiselyov: “Believe, all doctors who saved the patients
– Russians will die here. Die in large numbers.
“Those who [come here] will remember their nightmare
on Ukrainian soil.
“Like the Germans remember Stalingrad.”
The Russian Investigative Committee opened a
criminal case into the comments made by Druzenko,
which meant that he could face trial under Russian
But the medic has since apologised on social media
for his comments and claimed that the hospital “does
not castrate anyone and is not going to”.
He added that his words came from “emotions”.
In a statement on the hospital’s website, they said
Druzenko “made an emotional statement about the
sterilisation of the invaders’ and claimed it was
‘prompted by threats against Gennady and his family
In other news, Ukrainian troops have deployed a new
anti-tank weapon that they received from Germany
which can reportedly destroy any Russian tank.
The Panzerfaust 3-IT anti-tank weapon was first used
between 1978 and 1985 after having been ordered by
West Germany in order to pierce through Soviet
In a picture posted on Reddit, a Ukrainian soldier is
seen holding the massive weapon, seemingly ready to
use it against any Russian invaders it comes across.
In what seems to be a cruel twist of irony, the original
Panzerfaust was used in World War Two by the
Germans against the Soviets and now its successor is
being used against the Russians by the Ukrainians.
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