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STORY TIME: Rise Of The Claw -
S01 E01
( Hoxo on a mountain )
Hoxo: I am Hoxo the tormentors of
mankind, I killed with just a single
swords, I fought many armies, from the
strongest to the weakest I overcome
them all and no one will stop me out of
this,because after me no one.
( a servant come to in,bowing down )
Servant: my lord, commander Fang want
to see you
( shivering with fear )
Hoxo: let him come in.
( the servant quickly run out calling
Commander Fang, bowing down )
Hoxo: you want to see me
Fang: yes my precious lord, the great one
Hoxo: many called me great one with
great joy, just as you are, but still many
called me bad one,not in my sight they
hate me but they can’t say it in my face,
they are afraid of Hoxo the great one.
( he paused )
What did you come for
( Commander Fang rise up his head )
Fang: I had a revelation, it reveals to me
that their is going to be a new hero, he
want to stop you, and wanted to
dethrone you, bringing justice to the
( Hoxo smiled )
Hoxo : does his mother not tell him who
am I, listen to me, I crushed brave
warriors both great , both strongest and
( his eyes turn red as he speak )
In the next seven days I will be
destroying this kingdom once and for
all,and I will be expecting who so ever
brave enough to confront me, after that,
I will takes my leave setting my sight to
destroy the whole universe, and I will all
this world, making this kingdom as my
( his eyes turn normal )
Fang: whatever say, your wish is my
wish for you all.
Hoxo: not only that,prepare for war in
the east, we have a villain mutant like
me, I wanted to destroy him and take on
his armies with me, we shall invade
them all, and we shall overcome tell
commander Darot and Commander Savat
to get ready
Fang: as you have said.
Jarvis wake up,seeing the sun shine
brighter he quickly dress up running out
of Mr James hut.
Jarvis: oh no I am late I supposed to be
in the farm right now.
( he quickly take his baskets running to
the farm he did not notice that no one
has step outside, within a few minutes
he arrived,looking everywhere searching
for his father and his relatives )
Dad,mom,uncle frank,Jason where are
you guys
( he was surprised )
“Is it a joke”
( He wondered )
May be I will be the first person to get
into farm today
( suddenly his watch fall down, he
quickly pick it up immediately,)
I taught I have lost this watch
( on seeing the time, he was
astonished,he begin to feel strange )
What is happening to me,what wrong
with me.
( unfortunately he could see a
ghost,then begin to step back,not
knowing he fall into a strange pit, then
the ghost vanished )
Commander Savat and commander Darot
come inside
Commanders: oh great lord
Hoxo: why did you come at this time,
have you forgotten my rules
Savat: no lord, we had come to let you
know what is going on
Hoxo: I have seen it, through my vision
power, the Claw gate sealed for about a
century years ago as been open back.
Darot: yes lord,what will we do, we
don’t know where the gate his located.
Hoxo: Fang will know, he will smell the
( Fang appeared )
Fang: oh the great one
Hoxo: where was the gate of the claw
Fang: wait
( Fang perform his magical power,
conducting the spirit )
Hoxo: what have you see
Fang: this will be hard, I do not know,
the spirit doesn’t gives the location of
the place it, only a person know the
Hoxo: how can that be
Fang: the spirit will lead the person to
the place
Hoxo: then how would we know the
Fang: he is a teen, he was born to be
human not like us.
( Commander Fang use his magical
power to view the person )
Hoxo: so this boy,I think he might be the
chosen one.
Savat: I taught that.
( Hoxo rise on his feet, levitating and his
eyes turn red, which means his powers
are possessing him )
Darot will searched for him
Darot: your wish is my command
( she bow )
Hoxo: now you warriors will go to the
east, I will lead you, we shall take the
king crown and I will place it on my
table,and all the crown I have token on
the kings head would fifty six,and this
will be the fifty senventh.
( he sit down on his sit, and his eyes
turn normal, as it was before )
After sometimes Jarvis rise up, seeing
that he was not dreaming, then look his
surroundings,he was surprised
Jarvis: so this place exist,I heard much
about this place my dad told me
sometimes ago.
( he then see a bright light coming from
a place )
What is this
( then heard a voice )
Voice: come on Jarvis
Jarvis: please,who are you,show me your
Voice: I am not an enemy,you are in the
gate of the claw
Jarvis: then how will I believe you
Voice: I am the Awesome the great one
Jarvis:I gotta find a way to go out here
Voice: you can’t
( actually a force drive Jarvis to the
center of the light, he could not open his
eyes because the light is too strong and
powerful )
Jarvis: let me go
Voice: I am not an enemy of yours, you
might have here about the Awesome.
Jarvis: yes, yes, are you Awesome?
Voice: yes I am
Jarvis: should I open my eyes
Voice: no you can’t
Jarvis: why
Voice: no no, no one has see me, I don’t
have through form I am like the God in
which I usually called the Sovereign one
he was my creator, I respect him more
than humans had done.
Jarvis: oh, nice, what probably do you
want and why are you here
Voice: you learn much I about me I
Jarvis: how do you know
Voice: I know and I read all mind in the
universe, expect the mind of God.
Jarvis: how will that possible
Voice: reading is the most simplest thing
to me, I read trillions of mind in a
Jarvis: why did you want me
Voice: because you are the chosen one
of my pleasure,to save the mankind and
and delivered them
Jarvis: am I Jesus.
Voice: The God in three places, mean the
Trinity as the Sovereign one.
Jarvis: I understand you better.
Voice: as you can see the enemy of the
world know as Hoxo as setting his sight
in human world to have it all and rule
earth why trying to erased all human in
it, now as you know him he had destroy
more than fifty six kingdom having their
Crown with him, I come to engaged you.
Jarvis: why cant you fight him by
Voice: just to train you for future
Jarvis: it as if I am dreaming
Voice: this is not a dream, it was reality,
now it is time.
( a blazing big ball appear in Jarvis
front )
Voice: you have to touch it
Jarvis: OK OK OK
( he summon his courage why he touch
the light, immediately his body begin to
shock, why he begin to feel strange and
painful )
This is stronger than I taught
( still closing his eyes )
Voice: as a human you have to endure,
till the blazing ball vaporize )
Jarvis: OK OK OK
( Jarvis become very weaker, but could
endure why he could not take off his
hand )
This is too strong, is weakening me, I am
dyeing please
Voice: just to makes you stronger and
powerful, you are having supernatural
power now I can sence it.
( after some mighty pain the blazing ball
vaporize into Jarvis body, then he could
open his eyes seeing the mighty light but
he could not see the being, )
Jarvis: Awesome, I can feel it
Voice: yes, I sence it, before you feel it.
( he then look at his hands in his nails,
his nail had grew into a long golden
claw )
Jarvis: am I a vampire
Voice: no you are not,you are the Golden
claw, the Claw fighter.
Ultra series
Welcome to the ultra worlds it’s time to
unleash a new story title = Rise of the
claw,the new story by Anointed David
Guys we can’t save the world save the
world alone,reals heroes are surely born
in the face of real danger, we are one
united we stand divided we fall.
Recommend to you guys=
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