This lioness, Kiara, was rescued years ago after
she was injured by hunters. In the years that
followed, she was always cared for by the same
Over the years, Kiara and her caretaker became
very close. But their relationship was disrupted
when he suddenly became seriously ill.
It was only after seven years that they could see
each other again, for the first time.
And then the following happened...

The past seven years had been heartbreaking to
see. Every day, the lioness searched for her
caretaker, Ralf.
Kiara often sat in a corner, waiting for him. The
poor lioness barely ate and lost a lot of weight,
as a result.
Seven years passed, in which time the two
hadn't see each other at all. But then,
unexpectedly, Ralf was back in the cage with
Kiara. Would she still recognize him?
The excitement was almost palpable, but what
Kiara did then shocked everyone!
Before all of this, Ralf was a successful
businessman, who had everything that he could
possibly desire. Yet he always felt as if
something was missing in his life. He was not
Thirteen years ago, he therefore decided to
make a drastic change. He quit his job, sold his
expensive house and packed up his things.
He had always wanted to visit South Africa, so
he decided it was now time to pursue his
dream. When he landed at the airport, he was
immediately approached by a local man.
The man approached Ralf with an offer that
would change his life forever...
The man was distributing flyers at the airport for
his safari tour. He promised Ralf that he would
see exotic animals and nature beyond his
wildest dreams.
With enthusiasm, Ralf accepted the flyer. This
was why he had wanted to go to South Africa
after all.
He decided to sign up for the next safari right
away. A few days later, he was already in the
safari car.
And nothing the man had said was a lie; They
drove past the most beautiful sights of nature
and they saw lots of wild animals.
But then, all of a sudden, there was a loud bang
near the car!
Ralf got scared and looked around in confusion.
His guide, however, knew exactly what was
going on and took off with screeching tires
towards the place where the bang came from.
"Poachers!" he shouted to Ralf, who had no
idea where they were going.
But no matter how fast the guide drove, it was
to no avail. When they arrived at the crime
scene, the culprits had escaped and there was
no trace of their prey either, except for the fresh
blood on the ground...
With no animals in sight, Ralf stepped out of the
vehicle and slowly walked towards the scene.
He was just about to crouch down in the sand
when he suddenly saw something moving
nearby in the bushes!
Ralf anxiously backed away. There were lots of
dangerous animals around that could kill him in
an instant!
But then he heard a soft sound coming from the
bushes. This was clearly not a large or
dangerous beast.
So Ralf decided to take his chances. He slowly
walked towards the bushes and pushed the
branches aside.
And there he saw something that immediately
filled his heart with love...
There, all alone, sat a little lion cub. She had a
sore paw and cried out for her mother. But her
mother would never come back, Ralf knew.
The cub looked into his eyes, frightened and
confused. And at that moment, Ralf knew what
he had to do.
He felt an immediate connection with the little
lioness and took her in his arms. He wanted to
take her back to the U.S., to a wildlife sanctuary
near him.
And so he did. He looked for work at the
reserve and took care of the little lioness, whom
he called Kiara, for six years. The two were so
attached to each other that even the other
caretakers often looked at them with
endearment. "Kiara was really like a daughter to
him," one of them says.
But then, out of nowhere, fate suddenly

One day, Ralf became unwell when he was
playing with Kiara.
He suddenly, for no reason at all, lost
consciousness and fell to the ground.
Frightened, Kiara paced around him and
pressed her nose against his face, but he didn't
wake up.
When the other caretakers saw this, they rushed
into the cage to help Ralf. They quickly called
the emergency number and, before he knew it,
Ralf was in an ambulance on his way to the
Once there, he slowly regained consciousness.
But then the terrible news came...

Ralf was seriously ill. He appeared to have a
tumor that was pressing on his brain, which had
suddenly made him unwell.
A long period of treatment, uncertainty, and
grief followed. What kept him going at that time
was the thought of Kiara. He had to, and would,
survive for her.
He had made her a promise years ago when
they were in the bushes in South Africa: he
would always be there for her.
His struggle lasted seven years. And this was
not easy for either of them. Treatment after
treatment followed.
But, as Ralf was slowly starting to recover,
Kiara was getting worse...
She was miserable without her adoptive father.
All she did was wait for him. She had no
interest in the other caretakers, food or
She kept pacing back and forth along the fence
and when she ran out of energy for this, she
would lie on the lookout. She would only lose
sight of the fence when she would fall asleep
out of fatigue.
This continued for two years and Kiara
continued to deteriorate. " She barely ate, it was
heartbreaking to see," says one of the
But, when Kiara almost gave up, something
very special happened!
The park welcomed a new lioness. Kiara was
shy at first and would only stay in the corner,
but slowly, she sought her attention and began
to play with her new friend.
Nobody saw it coming, but the two became the
best of friends and so Kiara quickly
recovered. It was beautiful to see.
Ralf enjoyed the photos that his colleagues
would send him, whilst he recovered in and out
of hospital.
Kiara was finally happy again. But would she
still recognize Ralf now?

After seven years of different treatments, Ralf
was finally well again!
During the time he was in hospital, he received
occasional news about Kiara. He couldn't wait
to see her again and, therefore, took off for the
sanctuary after the hospital discharged him.
Once there, he slowly walked into the cage.
"Kiara," he whispered softly. Kiara's ears
pricked up immediately. She got up and made
quick steps towards her old carer.
Was he a friend or foe? Even Ralf, who knew
her through and through, couldn't tell this
The lioness jumped up, and with her legs
spread out and mouth open, she flew towards
her adoptive father...
Ralf spread his arms out and Kiara flew into
them. Kiara, however, was by now a heavy
lioness. She had grown a lot since they last saw
each other, so Ralf was immediately knocked
down by her fierce hug.
He fell to the ground laughing, while Kiara licked
his face. "I've never been so happy!" Ralf says
afterwards, with a smile from ear to ear.
Kiara was clearly happy to see him and
immediately introduced Ralf to her new lioness

Now, three months later, both Ralf and Kiara are
doing well. Ralf visits Kiara every day to play
with her and to take care of her, and Kiara has
her first love back.
"Now not only am I best friends with Kiara, but I
have a new buddy in her lion friend, Nibal!" Ralf
tells us.
Ralf is convinced that the bond between them
helped him through his life-threatening illness.