Fan Tattoos Omah Lay’s Name Under Her
Boob, Declares Herself His Biggest Fan
by Fan Tattoos Omah Lay’s Name Under Her
Boob, Declares Herself His Biggest Fan
Gists By Fan Tattoos Omah Lay’s Name Under Her
Boob, Declares Herself His Biggest Fan
An unidentified lady has gone out of her way
to prove to Omah Lay that she is his biggest
fan by tattooing his name under her right
Stanley Omah Didia, widely known as Omah
Lay is fast becoming the ladies’ favorite.
crashing thousands of hearts after showing off
getting his name girlfriend, to his name
getting tattooed on his female fans.
The photo of the said lady has been making
the rounds on social media, alongside an open
letter to the fast-rising act.
In her remark, she pointed out that the tattoo
is a form of appreciation of how his music
healed her when she was at the peak of
She also declared herself his biggest fan ever.
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Boob, Declares Herself His Biggest Fan » Hottest
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