Gists By Kanye West Sets Himself Ablaze During
“Donda” Listening Party
Kanye West has really outdone himself this
time, as he sets himself ablaze during a 3rd
“Donda” listening party.
No, Kanye has not released his most
anticipated album, “Donda” but he held a 3rd
listening part and this time, it was crazy in all
essence of the word.
The album, Donda was named after the star’s
beloved mother who died in 2007.
The blaze began inside a full-scale replica of
the rapper’s childhood home, complete with a
shining cross on top.
The fire began to engulf
the house before moving on to Kanye himself.
After what seemed like forever, Kanye
emerged from the inferno clad in a protective
suit. Members of his team equipped with fire
extinguishers then put him out.
Though the stadium capacity is 63,000 only
38,000 patrons were at the event due to the
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